Declaration of Principles

Quality, occupational safety, health, energy, and environmental policy
Code of conduct for social responsibility

As a traditional manufacturer of cables, wires, and plastic products, we are committed with conviction to systematic quality management, occupational safety, sustainable energy management, and to health safety as individual elements of a comprehensively integrated management system.

The foundations for this are the ISO 9001:2015 requirements. In the course of implementing these, we took into account the contents of this international standard along with the additional ISO 14001:2015 requirements, the standard for energy management systems ISO 50001:2018 and for occupational and health safety ISO 45001:2018. All these requirements are implemented at the appropriate interfaces. Synergies are systematically leveraged in these efforts.

Our IMS manual, including all procedures, describes the integrated management system for our company and forms the underlying structure that is without limitation binding for all employees.

Quality, energy management, environmental protection, and health safety and occupational safety are filled with life by the dedication of our employees.

All employees are called upon to do their part toward attaining our business objectives. Your duties also include actively participating in continuous improvements of the integrated management system and therefore in the company-wide optimization of processes. We are therefore committed to competently train and motivate all our employees in environmental protection, occupational and health safety, the careful use of energy resources, and in the quality field, and to convey to them the necessary sense of ownership. Suggestions for improving the IMS shall in this case always be treated with the greatest possible care.

Our focus during the whole product lifecycle is on sustainability, quality, energy management, environmental protection and occupational safety.

Sustainability and occupational safety are an important component of our corporate strategy. That is why Bayka strives to improve continuously in terms of technology, environment, energy and the climate. When producing our products we pay attention to the reduction of the energy and water consumption as well as to the avoidance or minimization of waste, waste water, hazardous emissions and hazardous goods. In doing so, our products should contribute to a sustainable development, which leads to social justice, conservation of resources, climate protection and biological diversity. An employer-oriented organization of processes normally also leads to an improved environmental compatibility. Furthermore, we develop our products and processes according to the state of the art and by taking into account the lifetime and an environmentally friendly disposal. In collaboration with regulators, we take steps to avoid accidents with negative environmental impact. When assessing the risks and opportunities, management takes into account the requirements and expectations from the integrated management system. Additionally, we increase occupational safety by identifying and removing potential sources of hazards for people and the environment. For these reasons we only use materials which comply with the REACH & RoHS directives of the European Union in order to ensure the physical health and safety of the customers and employees.

Code of conduct for social responsibility

Bayka is committed to its societal responsibility under the scope of its worldwide business activities (internationally generally referred to as “CSR”1). This code of conduct for societal responsibility was developed and reviewed together with the ZVEI (Zentralverband Elektrotechnik and Elektronikindustry e.V. [Central Association of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Industry]) and is an expression of the common set of values of the ZVEI, as defined in the vision and mission of the ZVEI, and in particular in the commitment to the social market economy.

As a company with international business relationship we see ourselves as having an obligation to secure human rights and environmental protection along our supply chains. For this purpose we drawn up sustainable guidelines with our suppliers for mutual implementation.

Complaints about violated human rights or disregard of our environmental standards can be submitted on our website.

We base our actions on the requirements of our customers and the public

The quality of our work and our products, our energy management, environmental protection, and occupational safety are the key success factors for our business success, competitiveness, and for securing the jobs of our employees. We therefore see it as our central task to supply our customers with products that meet the desired criteria, such as:

  • fulfillment of function
  • leadtime
  • service (while complying with environmental issues), such as:
    • resource protection and optimizing our use of materials
    • environmentally compatible and energy-saving manufacturing processes
    • reusability.

Customer in this case not only refers to external customers but also to the relationships within the company as defined by a customer-supplier relationship.
In order to meet this expectation, the continuous improvement of

  • all processes
  • the quality of products and the working environment
  • the use of energy
  • the quality management

are the principal elements of our corporate policy.

The continuous optimization of quality and efficiency is our responsibility

As management it is our duty to develop and implement measures, which contribute to the continuous improvement in our company. We define priorities which ensure the constant control of success, efficiency and quality. The performance capability of our IMS is regularly improved and subject to a neutral review under the scope of audits. We make sure that applicable regulations and laws are adhered to in constant contact with regulators. The systematic monitoring, supervision and regulation of our company visions are essential elements of the management responsibilities as well as satisfying the claim to guide our employees in a responsible manner and facilitating the acquisition of knowledge by promoting self-improvement according to the IMS.

Management furthermore regards the following issues as its principal duties:

  • to foster and increase the quality awareness and the group identity among all employees.
  • to ensure the implementation of this IMS policy.
  • to verify and document the effective implementation.
  • to provide all required resources for maintaining and enhancing the IMS.
  • to achieve a continuous improvement of the energy efficiency by redesigning processes, facilities and buildings.

As a company certified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 50001 we ensure this with internal and external audits. External audits are conducted by certification institutes and by our domestic and international customers, such as Deutsche Telekom AG, Deutsche Bahn AG, RWE, etc.

We readily reply to relevant questions from the public.

(1) CSR = Corporate Social Responsibility
